Area 33:3 Quartet
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Kids Christmas Program 2023

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Get to know more about our music & drama ministry

An integral part of worship at the La Grange 1st Free Will Baptist is music and drama. The choir, under the direction of Marian Kennedy, sings an anthem during most Sunday morning worship services. Often there is also other special music during the worship services, vocal and instrumental.  The children and youth also present dramas and musicals during the year.

In December of 2010, a new Christmas tradition began at La Grange First Free Will Baptist Church with the beginning of "The Journey to Bethlehem" dinner theatre. "The Journey to Bethlehem" tells the Biblical story of the birth of the Savior through drama and music. It is an original production compiled by the pastor and the music director.

The 2025 Journey to Bethlehem program dates will be announced by fall.  Reservations are required.  Please contact Tiffany Creech @ 252-286-5311 to reserve.

In April of 2023 and 2024,  the Living Lord's Supper (Maundy Thursday communion service) was again presented.

Journey to Bethlehem 2024 Cast and Choir


The choir meets for rehearsal most Sunday afternoons at 4:50pm. It is open to those in the 9th grade through senior adults. The choir sings anthems most Sunday mornings during worship and sings a blend of traditional and contemporary music under the direction of Marian Kennedy.


The Praise Band came together in the fall of 2012 under the direction of our youth pastor. The band plays a variety of praise and worship music and traditional choruses and hymns to lead the congregation in worship. Occasionally the band and the choir present music together!

kids drama

The kids drama department presents several dramas during the church year.  In the past several years they have performed Christmas dramas, short skits and "Down by the Creek Bank".  We also have kids and students who play various instruments to participate in worship services on occasion.